Friday, July 27, 2007

Meet Elmo the Elefant!!

Wazzup folks!! My name is Elmo the Elefant. While Snoop and Amos are on vacation in the Swiss Alps, I will be their guest writer. Let me tell ya'll about myself. I love doing fun elefant things. I flap my ears and fly around cirkus tents, I dance around drunk people in a pink tutu and, best of all, I can eat 3 tons of fude each day. My favorite kind of fude is Elephant Chow. It's chalk full of Elephanty goodness. I like making elefant sounds, too. "Whooo-hoo-dee-hoo." says the elefant. Uh-oh..guess what!? I was foolin'. It's ME, It's AMOS!!! Heehee..had ya'll fooled. I'm not really an elefant. I'm a cat. That's me. Meow....

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