Thursday, August 23, 2007

Much O Grassy Ass!

Hey Gang!! Whazzup?? I have a new favorite thing! Grass. I cannot believe I ain't never tried grass before. What was stopping me??? Because now that I've done tried it once, I want to have it agin and agin and agin. It made me feel swell. Groovy even. And mellow. Reeeaall mellow. The only problem is that the more grass I ate, the hungrier I got. But that's fine. My human has lots of grass hangin' around the joint. I can have grass anytime I dang well please. If I were a human, I'd put grass in all my fude. It's so delishus. I'd even bake grass into brownies. Hell yeah... I love grass!!! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, freaks!!

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