Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Called "Pleasantly Plump"

Hey there Folks. I just had to toss in my two cents worth about Amos and his insistence that I'm O-V-E-R-W-E-I-G-H-T. Don't judge me! I like to imbibe in a Carmel Machiato or two...and I absolutely LOVE saucy French food. It's tres' de'licieux! I just can't help I have a palatte that needs to be pleased; one cannot subsist on Meow Mix alone. I am, and always will be, Rubenesque. I will never be the cover girl for Cat Fancy magazine. Is that a loss for me?? Absolutely not!! Let those skinny, unhappy felines with the bone protruberances pose and paste a fake happy face on their mugs and all the while are wishing for a big bowl of full fat milk. Please don't get offended, ladies and gents, but I really need to use the "f" word here. I will always be FAT and FABULOUS!! Take that - Ignor-AMOS!! Ha-ha. Burn.

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