Friday, August 10, 2007

Lollipop Head!

Hi Peeps. I am soooo skinnay. Ain't my head HUGE and my body so tiny?? It's like an orange sitting on a toothpick. This is what happens when Fatso eats all the fude before I can even get a taste. That's OK..because I am faster and more ajole...ajile....agile...yeah, more agile than her. All that Ms. Fatty does is lay on the floor and scream when I jump on her and pull her fur out. She needs to fite back...but I ain't holdin' my breath or else I will DIE of suffikation. Almost like I done when I was playin' with one of the plastic bags my human left out for me to play with. But..I diegress....let me just say, "Snoop...the worst thing you can do to me is sit on me an smoosh the life out of me... Sticks and stones AND your fat ass may brake my bones, but words will never hurt me."

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