Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Gettin' our 'Nip On!

In an unprecendented move, Amos and I are going to blog together on this one. Why? (A) Because for the New Years, I have made a resolution to be nicer to the stupid oaf. It'll be hard, but I am going to try my best ya'll; and (B) because me and Amos have imbibed together on some hardcore cat nip. The best. You can't find this stuff just anywhere. My human calls her friend, who in turn calls his cousin, who in turn calls his buddy's mom who works at Petco. That is the only way to get the GOOD STUFF. Have someone on the "inside." Amos?

Hey ffffolks. Whoooo - hooooo! Can life get an better 'n this? FFNN everyone!! Friends, food, 'nip, nap. Heehee. Snoop, I love you man. I seriously love you. No matter how much we fight 'n hiss at each other, I just needs you to know, my friend. Seriously, it's from the heart, man.

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