Well, folks. Ya'll thought I was gone fer good, dincha? And you thought wrong! You're good friend, Amos, is back and he is in the SPOTLIGHT!! As you may have learned from Miss Priss, Snoop, we have had a very jampacked few years. My humans have had some trama, and they've had good times, and bad times, and things have been learnt in the process. I have had to be suport for my humans. They needed me. But now things have simmered down, and I can get back into letting ya'll know what's going on with your good frend, Amos, as I know you have all been wundering. I've had lots of time to think these last few years. As you kan see from the piture above (in one of my kontemplatave states) my mind has been opened and I like to think the things I've lerned will make me a better feeline. I sertainly hope that you will be interested in what I have to say in the futcher. So keep on cheking in and get updates on your good friend, Amos...and to a lessr degree...Prissy Snoop. Love to all my homies!