Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hey Dingbat!!

Hey Peeps!! Look at me! I am in Amos' precious box. Ooohhh...what's gonna happen now. Is he going to start fisticuffs with me? Is he going to throw me into the dungeon of his "kastle" I'm so scared. I'm shaking in my boots. Uh-oh..looky here. I seem to have stumbled into the rumpus room of the box. Here..let me see what he's got stocked in his bar. Pabst Blue Ribbon? Old Granddad? Ripple??!? Methinks I would rather drink window cleaner. At least he's got a bottle of white zinfandel. For the ladies, no? What a loser!! Box

Hey Gang! What's up and down and all around?? Now...ya'll may know by now that I aint too hard to please. Gimme a bag...gimme some Nips....and I'm a happy dude. Like today. My human came home and had something wonderfool with her. A box. I mean...who woodn't love a box. It's my own personal kastle. And I'm the head dude of this box. I ain't allowing Snoop in here, no way, no how. She can find her own box. All must bow down to me..King Amos. King of this here box.